
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Current Event 5: " Worm Castles"

Worm Castles

National Geographic Team (Written by Jodi Kendall)

Nov 2nd 2010

National Geographic Website

In current days, the “Ecotour” tracking wild animals in the Sepilok forest located in Sabah, Malaysia researchers encountered huge amount of worm castles. More than 7,000 species of earthworms are discovered across the world. Depending on which species it is, it can develop as much as an inch or two yards in length. In-order for the creatures to grow, they have to adapt to the appropriate conditions. They occur at dissimilar soil depths in tropical climate conditions. Since earthworms are a huge support to plant growth, water-holding capacity, and soil nutrients etc they are known as accommodating decomposers. The presence works as an indicator of a health system, presence is a supernatural influence felt to be nearby. They are also great dealers with food sources; they are helpers for flying type birds.

In the Malaysian circumstances, earthworms are thought to be as the nature’s most essential recyclers. They consume nourishment from the decomposing matter and dead animals in the soils. When the creatures dig up holes through the soils and obtain particles, they excrete a typical type of mucus into their “castings that resemble a batch of grapes or the tiny castles.” Beyond the routines for the earthworms, they can swallow up to a third in their body weight per day. By learning about the works of the decomposers we should probably think the causes and effects of these processes.


National Geographic Organization. "Worm Castles." National Geographic Channel.
N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Nov. 2010. .

Short Video on Worm Castles:

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