
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Wave Interference/Simulator

Taking a look at Wave Interference/Simulator


Wave Simulator:

One Wave Drops:

As I tested the frequency and the amplitude of the wave simulator or the interference among both of them, I had found out that more frequency will alter the water drops; by increasing the frequency, I could see around 1-3 drops per second. Also when increasing the amplitude, the wave drops become larger or simply higher. The combination of increasing the frequency and the amplitude will produce larger/higher waves and faster.

More Frequency = Faster the wave drops

More Amplitude = Higher or larger waves

With Barriers:

With the barriers, the experiment looked much cooler. In this trial with one slit of a barrier, I could see the waves bouncing/reflecting in one spot. The barrier was able to capture or block the wave from going on. On the other hand, the water level of the barriers was strange. As the wave produces the wave, it decreases due to the barrier which prevents it. This experiment actually leads to the experiment our class did with the clay.

In conclusion, I think that this wave interference was a note to discover the wave's motion or movement.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Introduction to Map of Plate Boundaries (Stress, Fault)

Right now, I have managed to examine the tectonic plates and the movements of the plates. As I started the unit, I hadn't noticed any concept or vocabularies associated with this unit; I wondered around looking for help but I discovered that learning by me was the key to being intelligent about the unit/topic. As you can see up there on a blurry map (bad camera), I colored for Shearing, Tension, and Compression. Tension, compression, and shearing had already worked over millions of years to change the shape and volume of rock.Tension is the stress force called tension pulls on the crust stretching rock so that it becomes thinner in the middle. Tension occurs where two plates are moving apart.Compression is the stress force which squeezes rock until it folds or breaks. Also a stress that pushes a mass of rock in two opposite directions is called shearing. Shearing can cause rock to break and slip apart or to change its shape (these notes are notes I took from the packet).

According to my diagram or map above, Serbian lands were dominated by compression and tension (I hope I 'm right). Korea was also covered in Blue which stands out for compression. After finishing this, I kind of felt that, Korea and Serbia might have relationship among the lands (guess so). In conclusion, the map suggests that many stresses can collapse.

Kyle's Own Lab: Testing the different substances

The Own Wave Lab:

Testing the reaction of the Waves when different Substances are added.

How does the unlike substances react to the wave’s movement?

Kyle C.

Due Friday, January 28

TITLE: Shows all the necessary information (Title of the lab, your name, grade, date)

I. GUIDING QUESTION/S (State the guiding question/s):

How does the unlike substances react to the wave’s movement?
How do waves move in different substances?


I believe that, depending on which substance, the wave’s movement (Frequency) will alter.

Independent Variable (Manipulated): The pen or the Stick (I guess or not [Wait, does manipulated variable have to be always solid?])
Responding Variable: Wave
III. Exploration (PLAN & DO A TEST):
  • Water (Normal and Bit Hot)- (Principal of Substances)
  • Orange Juice (Substance)
  • Honey (Substance)
  • Soap Water (Substance)
  • Salt Water(Substance)
  • Ruler
  • Notebook
  • Writing Pencils
  • A Plastic Bowl (for testing)
  • Pen
  • Rubber Duck or A round floating object (Test as a boat)
  • Timer

1. Gather a Plastic bowl size of approximately 40 width by 20 length cm.
2. Fill the Plastic Bowl with water depth of 5 cm (this is what I did).
3. Then add any substances (besides water) of approximately 3 cm (think about if ducky can flow)
4. Stir the water with the substance for a minute, place the plastic bowl at the center and probe/move around with the stick or your hand.
5. As probing the water, estimate and observe the speed and the behavior of frequency.
6. Then, Place the circular object (the boat) above the water and move it around the water. (Depending on the consistency/fluency, the object will react unlike)
7. Record the time of the frequency; Record the frequency of the Wave when the object is traveling.

IV. RECORD & ANALYZE (Calculated by Finding the average of 3 Trials) [1Wave is produced every sec]
Frequency TestOrange Juice (0.1L)HoneySoapSalt (1 Tea Spoon)
FrequencyThree Trials:


1 wave produced every 1.11 (sec)
Three Trials:


1 wave produced every 1.78 (sec)
Three Trials:
(No Foam)

1.437 (sec)

1 wave produced every
1.38 (sec)
Three Trials:


1 wave produced every 1. 208 (sec)
(Kyle’s observation)
As I found the frequency of Orange juice, I discovered that there is not much a difference between the frequency of water and orange juice.Due to the consistency and the fluency of the liquid, it was formidable to watch the wave’s movement. But I assume that, the data has been organized well.After the 3 trials, I found that the liquid NOT ADDING foam/ producing foam wasn’t that fluent as the water due to the consistency.After observing the behavior of the salt water which traveled an average of 1.208 w/sec, I examined the interval of first try & second try. I wrote that 3 trials were needed in-order to find the correct frequency.
Short Analysis
(Kyle’s opinion)
Low fluency gives clear wave (think that made sense...)Compared to the taste, I believe the honey maintains high fluency.

Taste: Good
Fluency : High (Would not able to swim due to liquid)
With or Without no foam, I think that the frequency of both aren't that different.The Data suggests that my first try was bit off of the actual w/sec (waves per second.

Analysis of the Data:
Least to Greatest Frequency: Orange Juice - Salt Water - Soap Water - Honey

I had found that the consistency and the fluency were the matter and the solution to the substances. The liquids had maintained consistencies; besides the estimation, I discovered today that while the object was floating/traveling, it bounced or jumped once. I wondered if it was the reaction to the wave or the force. Therefore, I observed that lower the frequency: clear and easier to examine.

IV. Concept Acquisition (CONCLUSION):

(My guiding question “How does the unlike substances react to the wave’s movement?” and “How do waves move in different substances?” my hypothesis “I believe that, depending on which substance, the wave’s movement (Frequency) will alter.”)
My guiding question and the hypothesis proves/tells that I tested the lab efficiently and correctly however my hypothesis was not precise or in other words “didn’t explain my knowledge.” By comparing the results in the data, I found out that lower the frequency- more visible the substance appears. I also comprehended/determined the ways of wave’s interaction when using oil, as a fact when oil was above the water and I forced the oil-water wave to collapse, the oil wasn’t mixed with water since those 2 are never posed to go together.
In conclusion, I can assert that the liquid will be more visible and clear to identify depending on the disturbance causing to react. (Guess that made sense too)

I will try to be positive and confident above my topic; I’m not sure if my data was correct however I assure myself that this was a just a test for myself to learn step by step (so practices make perfect).

V. Concept Application (FURTHER INQUIRY):

For the last “Concept Application,” (Further Inquiry) I would like to draught some major improvements and successes down if I have a chance to re-dew. As this lab of “doing alone” was fun and interesting when no one was bothering, I kind of felt that there had to be partners or groups to work with since, the works can be divided and worked equally rather than alone. Nevertheless, I found this alone lab, tranquil and relaxed since I was the one who was in charge. On the other hand, I assume that this lab made my bathroom a mess due to the honey.
Although I was confident about my guiding question & concept of my lab, there were tremendous mistakes I got confused with. It just occurred to me that I had to be tidy/organized when writing up the lab (since I anticipate for a higher grade). The result was not precise when I recorded the results of the frequency, but I believe that I could have checked if my results were applicable. (Some went off the average score) I was bit unsure that testing on a circular shape tub or plastic bowl might have affected the results. Last but not least (Love the phrase), I regret that during class periods I should have concentrated and finished as some of my classmates did. Otherwise, I believe that not a single disruptions or errors happened during the lab (isn’t it amazing?).

The pink symbolizes the tub, as the manipulated variable hit at the center, the wave will move sideways and hit against the wall; then reflect or bounce back.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Notes for Ch.2-1 Forces in Earth's Crust

Forces in Earth's Crust

Richter Scale used to measure the magnitude of Earthquakes.
How does stress in Earth's crust change Earth's surface?

(Where are faults located?)

Tension, compression, and shearing work over millions of years to change the shape and volume of rock.

Tension: The stress force called tension pulls on the crust stretching rock so that it becomes thinner in the middle. (separated by force)

Tension occurs where two plates are moving apart.

Compression: The stress force called compression squeezes rock until it folds or breaks.

Once plate pushing against another can compress rock like a giant trash compactor.

(Come together)

Shearing: Stress that pushes a mass of rock in two opposite directions is called shearing.

Shearing can cause rock to break and slip apart or to change its shape.

(Move against each other)

Faults location: Majorities of active faults are located along and between tectonic plates.

3 Types of Boundaries:

Convergent boundaries

Divergent boundaries

Transform boundaries

Stress: A force that acts on rock to change its shape or volume.

Most faults occur along plate boundaries, where the forces of plate motion push or pull the crust so much that the crust breaks. There are three main types of faults: Normal faults, reverse faults, and strike-slip faults.

Normal Faults: Tensions in Earth's crust pulls rock apart, causing normal faults. In a normal fault, the fault is at an angle, so one block of rock lies above the fault while the other block lies below the fault.

The block of rock that lies above is called the hanging wall; the rock that lies below is called the foot-wall.

Reverse Faults: In places where the rock of the crust is pushed together, compression causes reverse faults to form. A reverse fault has the same structure as a normal fault, but the blocks move in the opposite direction.

Strike Slip Faults:

In places where plates move past each other, shearing creates strike-slip faults. In a strike slip fault, the rocks on either side of the fault slip past each other side-ways, with little up or down motion.

A strike-slip fault that forms the boundary between two plates is called a transform boundary.

Over millions of years, the forces of plate movement can change a flat plain into land-forms such as anticlines and synclines, folded mountains, fault-block Mountains, and plateaus.

Geologists use the terms anticline and syncline to describe upward and downward folds in rock. A fold in rock that bends upward into an arch is an anticline and a fold in rock that bends downward to form a valley is a syncline.

Anticlines and synclines are found in many places where compression forces have folded the crust.

The forces that raise mountains can also uplift plateaus. A plateau is a large area of flat land elevated high above sea level.

Questions: Big Concept

How does stress in the crust change Earth's surface?

The stress in the crust alters due to faults of volcanoes, mountains, Earthquake.

Where are faults usually found and why do they form?

Majorities of active faults are located along and between tectonic plates.
Faults form by stresses in earth when fractures occur, they are all formed of compression, tension, shearing causes.

What land features result from the forces of plate movement?

The results after the forces of plate movement are land movements or it could last as natural disasters.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bill Nye Video Reflection

Bill Nye Video Reflection
Kyle C.


  • Earthquake plates move vary (horizontal, vertical)
  • Surface of earth is floating on melting rocks, earth surfaces are flexible.
  • Cracks falling are called faults.
  • When tectonic plates move apart, they form volcanoes
  • When tectonic plates come together, they form mountains
  • Higher the Earthquake , more energy
  • Bigger the energy, Bigger magnitude, Bigger Earthquake


Center of an earthquake

P.S., Look above to identify and discover the true meaning of Epicenter

Friday, January 14, 2011

Note Book Reflection

Note-Book Reflection:

After taking 3 PAGES OF NOTES, I discovered that, writing a lot of notes offer more knowledge however it takes so long. I learned the difference and the similarities among Reflections, Diffractions, Refractions, different types of interferences and nodes & anti-nodes. Although I may/will not list the definitions of the vocabularies and principal of each vocabularies, I will write some interesting facts I examined.

Reflection: Reflection occurs when an object or wave hits a surface through which it cannot pass, it bounces back.

Refraction: When a wave moves from one medium into another medium at an angle, it changes speed as it enters the second medium, which causes it to bend.

Diffraction: When a wave passes a barrier or moves through a hole in a barrier, it bends spreads out.

Interferences: When two or more waves meet, they have an effect on each other.
Two Types: Constructive, Destructive

Beyond and beyond, there are more vocabularies to learn, but that would take a while. In conclusion, what I learned from the notes I took were, the how identical waves can combine.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Surface Wave Experiment

What happens when a waves hits a surface?
Kyle C.


Varieties of markers
Ping Pong/Marble (Big, small), Golf Ball, Styrofoam Ball, Pink Plastic Ball


My partner and I had tested the reaction of the manipulated variables hit against the wall back and forth, bouncing. We marked as the manipulated variables hit the wall and bounced, also we had discovered that majorities of the manipulated variable hit against the wall forms a triangle shape. The reason behind this was the angle thrown; by looking at the graph or the test, we can see that some had bounced against the wall and some curved before hitting the wall.


Ping Pong: Well hit, bounced as well, formed triangle
Marble (Small, Large): Small has been curved; however large one had formed a triangle
Golf Ball: Formed a triangle
Pink Plastic Ball: Not much to probe, made an attempt but no result
Styrofoam Ball: Due to its lightness, it wasn't able to hit and bounce back easily.

In conclusion, I observed that angles and the size of the manipulated variable changed the test data. As you can see above the conclusion, the data suggests that large size variables had formed a triangle however the small variables haven't. Nevertheless, we are not sure if this test went well since the angle or the speed put in is not always the exact same. I assume that this test went well, and I hope there can be a photo to account for my test explanation.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wave Interaction

How do waves interact in a tub of water with?
No.1 No Barriers, One Barrier, and Two Barriers

(3 of each)




Plastic Tray
Something to tap
Notebook with Pencil Etc...

No.1 Barrier:

As my partner and I worked on our experiment, we started out as no barrier. Which side we taped on (diagonal, head to head) we found some different wave movements. Some wave movements interfered and collapsed to create larger wave, some went on different directions. But majorities of our no.1 barrier experiment, we discovered that when wave interferes, it natural goes its way. (ex. so, a boy walks from the left side of the street to the right side and on the other hand, the girl walks from right to left. Girl and the boy have to talk however they go as if they were strangers.) Another great thing about no barrier was, the wave moved back and forth.

No. 2 Barrier (With one block)

This experiment was bit unlike the first one. The clay had stopped the wave's movement from going its way, actually it led to another way. When the wave had to go across, the barrier made this to go the other way, the wave didn't go through the clay, and instead it just went side. The clay had a role like the mirror (reflecting), whenever the wave had hit the clay, it came back.

No.3 Barrier (With two block)

This was really arduous to track the movement of waves since it spread out to many places (we were dumbfounded at first). It just didn't made wave go back and forth, it stopped the wave from heading to its location (traffic jam). The wave had spread sideways, up and down, diagonally which formed something exquisite for us to observe. We found that when placing together directly in-front of the tapping location, and when tapping more; waves will go back and forth trying to create speed as fast as it can (speed and frequency).

This concludes that when trying to stop wave’s movement, wave will not go through but spread sideways, or when placing barriers just in-front of wave’s start and if tapping, water will move fast due to reflect of the barrier. (I guess that made sense)

The Diagram or Picture (Data):